Sunday, December 21, 2008

Situation Sunday # 66

Welcome, as we aproach the holiday season: What better way than with some Situations for Sunday!
Situation #1
At the office holiday party you notice your partners boss getting not once but numerous times a little to touchy feely with your spouse......What do you do?
Situation # 2
Your lover of many years has given you this year outfits that are 2 sizes to small. They knew your size but they decided that you really should be this size.....and perhaps you could shrink into them......What do you do?
Situation # 3
You are traveling many miles to get home for the you get within 50 miles of your are going through a ghost town and your car brakes is cell service and there hasn't been another car on the road for hours.....What do you do?

1 comment:

Andi said...

Mine is up.
I had Husband share his answers to Number 1 with me....they looked somewhat like an impersonation of Hong Kong Foey. :-)
