Situation # 1
You are on a camping outing in the mountains . { With family or friends}.The car is about 200 feet away from your site. Your cabin is about a hundred feet away from the river. You are all by the river around a campfire. Having a great time. Everyone is talking and enjoying them selves, and no one has noticed that 2 mountain lions are approaching, The cats are 4 feet away in the when someone notices......what do you do?
Situation # 2
You have a close friend that you work with. They come to work the majority of the time wearing cloths that either do not match, or look like they are a size 8 and your friend is a size 14. They have stretched the spandex to the point of spandex screeching. Your friend is not poor and definitely has the money to be dressing better. They all so are very sensitive. How do you tell them about it?
Situation # 3
Your spouse is total very negative. As the years go by they are getting worse. Nothing you do is right.They never has a nice word to say to anyone. They finds fault in all your friends and family. They are draining your positive energy. Christmas is here and they do not appreciate anything anyone has gave them. They have every thing they need. You yet have to shop for them........What would you get or give to them that might make a difference or help them to turn everything around to make them appreciate and enjoy it?
Hi Helena-Skyblue.
I wish you and your family a happy Christmas..
Merry Christmas Bskaad, Hope you have a great one!
Merry Christmas, my friend!
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