Friday, December 14, 2007

Friday's Feast # 172

.Feast One Hundred & Seventy Two
December 14Th, 2007 Category: The Feasts, 2007

Appetizer: Make up a word and give us its definition:

Moustifud....Something that doesn't go right and you wanna say ...What the F##k,,,When you misplace a package and the customer is standing right by the truck....Ugh

Soup: What is currently your favorite song?
Little Drummer Boy....My favorite Christmas carol.

Salad: What’s at the top of your Christmas wish list this year?
As always winning the lottery, or World peace, Abolishing poverty. And good health for all.

Main Course: Name a scent that reminds you of someone special in your life.
The scent of Ex scape reminds me of { J } ,,the scent of apple pie, reminds me of MomMa'..The scent of woods reminds me of {g}.

Dessert: Who is someone on television that you feel probably shouldn't’t be, and why?
The one guy on friends...Joey. He started a show on his own after Friends, and it really sucked I though { Sorry Joey } . There is just something about him that says ...It's not cutting it.


Judy@nofearentertaining said...

Great Feast!

SaoirseDaily2 said...

Very unselfish Christmas wishes. Good for you. Have a weekend of snowflakes and hot cocoa.
