Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving To All! Two Turkeys have been pardened by President Bush. There names are Pumpkin and Pecan. Seems like it has been awhile since I have posted, about two weeks in all. A lot has happened for me in my absence. i went to train. one of my nephews retired for 20 years of service in the Navy, WhooHoo. We are all very proud of him. He rented 3 officer houses and we all had a blast. The houses were fully loaded with everything, and we were right on the York River, so we had excellent rooms. I took tons of pictures but do to my neurotic state of confusion I don't know where the hell I put that plug to down load them., Ugh!! but soon I know I shall locate it. The train down was fun, I went in business class where you have plenty of room to stretch, I took along my DVD player and watched a few movies. The majority of the travelers had there lap tops, my lap top PC is old and heavy....even thou I bought it new and top of the line 6 years ago....I want a new one that is super thin and light. They didn't have a dinning car, only a snack car.....and the food was overly priced and Yucky. All in all it was a fun trip and great 4 day party. My sister Anna got totally smashed one night and hugged the toilet for a few hours. They were all downing shots of Jack Daniels....and ontop of wine and beer.....I knew better and just stayed with a few glasses of wine....been there dun that as they say so I won't run my days while away. On to other things I have been up to. My patient passed away 2 days ago so I will be home more. I enjoyed taking care of him and am glad he went peacefully and quick.....He had Alzheimer's and was still able to enjoy some days. The night before he died I was with him....I could see he was declining......he really didn't want to eat dinner, he kept pushing it I gave him a slice of coconut pie and a large amount if ice cream....he enjoyed that...we spent the evening looking throu a calendar of trains....and a movie about trains and the rail system in Vermont. ( His whole life he had a love for trains and was a head honcho Engineer in the train charge of where every train went and what track, he had a different title but I am not sure what that was.) I am just glad I was able to make his last night fun for him. No mention in the local papers, or news of his passing....He was from a very prominent family, Where his ancestors were Lords, that owned much of the county here. I think the family is keeping it hush hush till after the holiday here. I will say a special prayer of Thanks for him on this day. On to other notes....or yadda....I will be picking up my MomA' and taking her to my brothers house for dinner. I prepared the Yams, Dressing, Creamed Anessit (SP), Asparagus with holiday sauce....and a Coconut Custard pie....I can't wait to eat. The sun is shinning here....looks to be about 40 degrees out....Simply put a beautiful day......Happy Trails!!!

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