Thursday, November 13, 2008

Procrastinators Unite

Busy,busy bee. That's how I would describe myself.Or perhaps that is what I blame my procrastination on......I am almost ready to close the suitcase....I leave in a hour, Woohoo- My journey begins. I had so much freaking shopping to do before I go. Yes, I have new outfits, And I had to get new jewelry to much. I hit Burlington Coat factory yesterday...I really just needed a nice scarf...and maybe a shirt, I walked away with 5 shirts, 2 scarfs, underclothes. (J) does not understand why I take so long. But I could have spent hours in that store....I didn't even go in the shoe department or household,,,,I need to get back to that store. Usually I just go to Kohles, but yesterday I went there and to the Label Shopper store. I promise when I come home I will go throu my closets and donate a huge selection to goodwill. There that makes me feel better. This week my boy had his driving test....( Ok, he's really not my boy, but my nephew) He got such a prick as a instructor. When I saw him he reminded me of a pointdexter, Johnathan thought he was a nerd. He was so freaking a human computer. Well he failed, him. I suppose he was doing his job.....but if he would have been a little bit more human the blow of failing wouldn't have been so bad. If any one knows my nephew he thrives on perfection....being a straight A student. I think he just got nervous, because he is a good driver. Now it is back to practicing. Also RJ needs more practice and my other boy Mikie just got his permit and I need to take him driving. I think after they all get there licence's I will put a halt to my driving instructor day's. Three boys is enough teaching......I will let another aunt or uncle teach them,....Ya right,lol. Well it's off to my journey.....I will be in Virginia for the rest of the week! And they say Virginia is for lovers WooHoo!! Happy Trails!!!

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