Monday, November 03, 2008

Who will you be Voting for

I started this this AM, and ran out of time to adjust it, and blog about it. As this election draws near, I hope all that are capable to vote shall do so. I have 7 other siblings in my family that can vote. I am sure 2 of them won't and the others are half voting Republican, and half voting Democratic. Who is right it's a matter of choice and who you believe. Will promises get broken after the election....this I believe will always happen. I think McCain would do better if he went with a different running "mate" for vise president.....I think there were many other people to choose that would have been better than Palin. I think since Barack didn't choose Hillery....McCain thought his choice would some how make himself look like the better man....It didn't work. Do some see Barack as a radical, a Muslim? When I see and hear him talk he makes a lot more sense to me, and seems down to earth. Both candidates are very great men, worthy of a term in the white house to serve us citizens. Barack has my vote whether it be right or wrong......but I exercised my right to vote and I hope I made the right choice


My life in bergen said...

Good luck tomorrow, on election day. Hope you have a good election and that the best one for your country is the winner..

Helena said...

Thank you my friend, I hope so too!

Anonymous said...

Greetings from the eastern part of Finland!
My cousin Helena is living in Arlington, married US citizen.
I was curious, do you have some roots in Scandinavia, but Helena is very international name of course.

Good election Tuesday to you!

My life in bergen said...

Hi Helena.
I don't know if the election result was good for you, but in my opinion it was a good thing for USA.

Helena said...

Bskaad, Hi Yes I thought the election was good, and I voted for Barak...I hope it will be good for our country.

Leena, Hi...nope no Scandinavia,,,but I propably could pass for one with the blondish hair, lol. My roots are Polish and Jewish. Thanks for stopping by my site!
