Sunday, June 01, 2008

Situation Sunday # 59

Situation Sunday is late and short this week, with only one Situation, and 1 question.
Situation # 1
You and a close friend are out on a Holiday together. You have gone to a remote town in Alaska. On this day the weather is beautiful, it is a rare 50 degree day, and have decided on a hike. You both have ventured out of town, about 1 mile out. You are picture taking and slowely realize a Polar bear is standing 50 feet away from you. He is on the trail back to town.......he comes towards you and the only thing in front of you is the edge of a cliff. What would you do.....
Question 1
What is your favorite way to spend your day off?


ShannonW said...

Hi Helena ((((hugs))))

My answers are posted.

Helena said...

Hey Shannon! Thanks for playing and the hug, I needed that :>)...Have a great Monday!

My life in bergen said...

Hello my friend.

Just wanted to give you a update..
No baby and we are now one week overtime, it seams like she is in no hurry :-)

The weather is perfect, one month with nice and sunny weather. The time is now 22:47 and i can still see the sun :-)

See you later

Helena said...

Bskaad, Hi my birthday is 6/22, perhaps the little princes wants to be born under my sign :>). Hope the Mrs. is holing out alright. My best to you, Helena

Julie Morgan said...

Sleep & Eat.
