It's morning here in the Northeast, I have the TV on in the back ground.....info comercials are on....I am almost convinced I need a total Gym for only $49 trial offer. Flip the channel and the Shark steam mop is something I can use to...I think the reason they have all these infomercials on so early, they know our brains are not awake to logic so early. The coming up week, I will be doing the mail all week. Actually till the 21st of the month. I am dreading it. Not the work part, just dealing with the postmaster. At times she is fine and other times she gets a bug planted in her but and goes on a roll. I found out last saturday she was ticked because she thought I peed before I signed out. Unbelievable! It's ok too pee and then keep on working for a hour but to sign out right after peeing is a no-no! Ugh. Well I signed out before I peed that day but she thought wrong. I now make it a joke among the other workers....P.O.P.T. = Peeing On postal Time. It's really funny with her, every other postmaster would be there early in the AM.....She comes most of the time dragging in at after 9am, spends most of the time on the putor or phone, and a few times selling real estate on postal time. Sometimes I wish the post hirer uppers would preform a sting operation on her, and see how their money can be saved. This past week I was told she was screaming at the top of her lungs at a clerk, creating a hostile work enviroment. If I was there I would have walked out till it calmed down. I have done that in the past, when she was yelling at Charlie. The reason I walked out then.....I didn't want to be a witness if Charlie smacked the crap out of her. So now I have to dread the next week and a half working with her. The only gratification I shall get is also doing my home care after work. There I feel like I can make someone feel better and help out the family and feel apreciated. Well today will be a goodday at the PO.....she is off....Yippie!! Time to hit the shower it still will be a long day....2 cases after the mail and back her to post the Situation Sunday.....Come on back and play!! Happy Trails!!########################################################
Dream Job Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Person asked the young programmer, "And what starting salary were you looking for?" The programmer said, "In the neighborhood of $75,000 a year, depending on the benefit's package." The HR Person said, "Well, what would you say to a package of 5-weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every 2 years - say, a red Corvette?" The programmer sat up straight and said, "Wow!!! Are you kidding?" And the HR Person said, "Certainly, ...but you started it."
1 comment:
How dare you P.O.P.T! lol your boss is insane!
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