Feast One Hundred & Eighty SixApril 4th, 2008 • 52 Comments »
Appetizer: Invent a new flower; give it a name and describe it. The Love Sonet, It is a huge yellow flower, It's center is a red heart shape, and the outer peddles are like Queen Ann's lace. It is a Sonet because of the music you hear from all the hummingbirds, butterflies and bee's that are a attracted to it. It has a wonderful fragrent, a mixture of citrus and lavender.
Soup: Name someone whom you think has a wonderful voice. I used to think this guy I know Garry, had a great sexy phone voice, but now I realize after years of singing...It is ME...LOL I have a wonderfull voice :>).
Salad: On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how clean do you keep your car? OMG if {J} could answer this he would tell you, 2. He is in charge of cleaning it after me. When I use the mail truck, he drives my blue blazer....he cleans it before he uses it. The brown truck is basically his....and when I drive that I know better than to leave anything in it.
Main Course: How do you feel about poetry? I like poetry, And some of my own poetry can be found at poetry.com, I posted it there years ago.Dessert: What was the last person/place/thing you took a picture of? My Goddaughter, and nephews. I took them on a hike at Bashbish falls. There arms are stretched, half of there body is in New York, and the other half are in Massachusetts,
I love your appetizer. Your soup made me laugh out loud. Have a great FF and weekend. :)
What a great photo.
I love your flower.
Please, don't forget to rate my entry, as the earnings (won by the highest rating blogentry) will be donated by me to autism support now it's autism awareness month.
You can find my entry ::here::
Have a wonderful weekend.
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