Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday's Meme
Among your acquaintances, who’s the best screamer? That would be my sister Midgie
When was the last time you had to shout in order to be heard? I seem to do that a lot when {J} is in bed watching TV and I am in the kitchen, and he starts a conversation.
When was the last time you cheered for anything? My niece's basketball game, when that was in season,think 2 month's ago.
Whom did you last yell at? My nephew Johny for jumping on my blazer like he was going to play "Micky in the Toaster"{ That is a game me and my siblings made up when we played on junked cars}
When did you last lose your voice, or at least find yourself hoarse?
That was a month ago, when I had a touch of a bug.

.......Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday Fill-In #67
Those of you with multiple blogs or private blogs...if you could add your link to the Fill-Ins, that would be GREAT! I like to visit everyone who plays, so if I haven't been to see you, that's why!1. I love springtime in _New York____! 2. __Special K and fruit___ are foods I love to eat for breakfast.3. It seems I'm always searching for
__Everything as I head out the door___ 4. __A back rub and a hug___ is a great way to end the day.5. I think I __will have a great day today___!6. __A bubble bath___ is what I've been craving lately.7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __going to the GYM___, tomorrow my plans include __working, doing a double duty day___ and Sunday, I want to _Just go to the GYM, then chill out, I get off work at 9am____!

1 comment:

ShannonW said...

I am glad you are feeling better now. The "bug" got me last month also. I hate being sick.

Fruit is good for breakfast and anytime :) I love strawberries.
