Friday, March 07, 2008

Friday And My Feast

Feast One Hundred & Eighty TwoMarch 7th, 2008 • 70 Comments »

Appetizer: If you could be any current celebrity for one whole week, who would you want to be?When I think of celebrities actors,and actress come to mind. And I really don't want to walk in there shoes for a week and be hounded by the Pavarotti. I would want to be a Princess of a country, and have a King fall in love with me before the week ended and I could remain there, and be his Queen.
Soup: On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how much do you enjoy talking on the phone? When I was younger I enjoyed it, now I despise talking on the phone and wasting my time,,,,I would say a 1. ( I could swear I think this question was here before)
Salad: Name a charitable organization to which you have donated (or would like to). There has been a few in the past= Hospice, American Cancer Society , and The Heart association. I have even volunteered time to these groups which is very important. I would like to volunteer time to a food pantry and a homeless shelter,
Main Course: What is a food you like so much you could eat it every single day for a month? Ice cream, but I know my waist would expand, so I will say zucchini, yellow or green.
Dessert: Have you or anyone in your family had the flu this year?
Yes, I had a mild version of it, and My Mom'A, also a few close friends.


Judy said...

Happy Friday.. and I hope a mild case of the flu is all y'all get. Stay healthy.

Have you ever tried zuchinni bread? Mmmmmmm..

Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

A couple of the questions I think have been in other memes for sure.
