Well again Situation Sunday was searched and read by over a hundred people but only one person had the balls to play. Thanks Jennifer. I will take it to 50 and then maybe just once a month from then on. I might even have to shoot the duck on the side line....HELP HIM!
The weekend flew by as usual. Saturday night was the Winter Walk. It was frigid cold for it. My brother and Sister in Law parked about 10 blocks away and walked down to my house, by the time they got there Katie was a icicle. I think only Bobby and RJ were dressed for the weather. As every one waited for me....{ Just got home from work and had to get ready.} We finally left about 6pm. I could tell Katie had enough of the walk before the start, so that was not fun for her. About 3/4 of the way threw, they went home. They lasted longer than I thought. If only they would have came directly to the house, they might have enjoyed it more. Midgie and I and the kids had a blast. I really didn't see anyone I knew, but it was fun. The fireworks at the end were nice too. I was beat by 9pm, and luckily for me I was off from my home care job,,,,Yippie! I hit the bed at 9:30 and slept like a baby, I even did not hear my phone as Midgie was calling so we could go to church. Next Sunday that is a must!!
On Sunday, as I climbed out of bed at 11am, after 14 hours of sleep, played on the PC for just enough time to do S.S. Then I marinated a pork in OJ, olive oil,,,,and garlic & herbs. { J } was instructed to place in oven,,,,he did that excellent. And I went to the movies with Midgie and the kids.....they were in there already. As the 12 year old collected the money for my ticket....I said don't I get a Senior discount...He said Oh, I am sorry Mam, of course you do....Do I got a discount and a slap at my ego. I am not yet up there in age I have 20 years to go.....{J} said I dress like a old lady...I thought I looked cute. Tight jeans, Turtleneck, black leather boots, Leather Jacket, and scarf....Stupid kid!!@ The movie we saw was August Rush. I think it was a excellent movie....It had Nicole Kidman, I think. And Robin Williams. And this guy I love....Don't know his name but he looked like a young version of Eric Roberts. The movie was about a orphan who was gifted in music. Trying to find his parents who both were gifted in music. You know any movie that has Robbin Williams in is excellent. Well that's my weekend! Hope all else had a great one......Happy Trails!!
you did not tell anyone you jumped in bed with a man at the walk that was funny i am still laughing out loud .........
You make it so so cheap!, All in fun... The guy was in bed in a window display,,you walked in first and said.." My sister wants to sleep with you...He was a Hotty, He opened the covers and said come on Baby to me...I flung my coat off and climbed in...as tons of people watched threw the window...I was there all of 2 minuts...He was extremely cute...and Gay.
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