October 19th, 2007 Category: The Feasts, 2007
Appetizer: If you were a dog, what breed would you be, and why?
I would be a Polish Shepard. Almost like a German Shepard.And the reason would be, My loyalty and I always try to protect those I care about.
Soup: What does the color Purple make you think of?
It makes me think of two things,Easter Eggs and my sister Milly"s wedding many years ago. I was in it along with my sister Anna and our dresses were that color. I don't remember if I was the flower girl or we were just junior brides maids.
Salad: Approximately how long does it take you to get ready each morning?
Two hours. I like one hour to just wake up,drink a glass of diet tea. Play on the computer, while waiting for my coffee to get brewed. Then its off to the shower the last hour and making a mad dash to finish getting ready and out the door.
Main Course: How many cousins do you have, and are you close to them?
OMG, I don't think I can count them all on my Dad's side. Most of them I don't know. On my Mother's side their is 11 first cousins that I am close to. Their children , my second cousins I loose track of. A lot of them "Went forth and multiple" LOL
Dessert: Take your initials (first, middle, last) and come up with something else those letters could stand for. (Example: SFO = Sweet Funny Otter)
HES= Hot Extra Special (Coincided)
I didn't think of Easter but purple reminds me of that too. Great feast this week.
I like the way you enjoy your mornings :)
And purple reminds me of Easter too!
hot extra special
i love it!
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