Friday, April 27, 2007


Welcome to today's Feast, Enjoy!....

Appetizer: How fast can you type.

Correctly and with one finger....About 5 words a minuet. If I used both hands as in typing class many moons ago, a lot more but it would confuse the spell check guy that hides in my pc to correct my words.
What is your favorite on line game?

I rarely play games, but I like checkers and slots.

Salad: On a scale of 1 to 10 ( with 10 being the highest), How intelligent do you think you are?

Wow, that's a hard question when you think on all the subjects there are out there, Politics, People, Geographic, Philosophy, Science, ex. About a 2 when you look at the whole broad band, in just life and what I know a 9. ( gotta hit the spell check now)

Main Course: Name three of your best teachers from your school years.

Mrs. Brown-Kindergarten, Mrs. Hubert- Second grade. Mr. Lizzi- High school history.

Desert: What are your plans for this upcoming weekend?

Saturday, I gotta work. Probably come home and hang, or go out to dinner,or hike, depends on the weather. Sunday I will have a leisure am at home, go to the gym. Then one of my closest patients I had for 7 years died, and the awake is Sunday night.


Anonymous said...

oh wow, u are pretty smart! great feast here...

Twisted Cinderella said...

Great feast! One of my teachers was my kindergarten teacher too.

Kim said...

Wonderful feast today. Loved reading through it. Mine is up...come on over!

Anonymous said...

Great feast and some very difficult questions. :) My favorite teacher was my high school Geometry teacher -- I was scared to death of her, but I passed Geometry, and that was no easy task!

Thanks for your visit to OnlyTheGood!

Tawnya Shields said...

Pretty good feast. Hey! How did you get a pic of my freezer. :o)~

Have a nice weekend.

Helena said...

Thanks everybody for visiting my feast. The freezer belongs to Titania Starlight, I snuck over and took it,,Ok,,it is mine- and the Bertolia frozen food is gone,,tonight I will finish the icecream, If any one has a Stewerts near them try "Crumbs Along The Mohowk",,It is awesum. Have a great weekend.

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