Thirteen Great Things To Buy At A Pure Romance Party

1} A bed of Roses......2 boxes or more!
2}AurA...{Massage oil} 3} Shimmer: Accents the beauty of your skin

4}Whipped: Creamy Lubricant, tastes as good as it smells, can be used as a all over body massage, or lubricant
5} Vanilla Bondage Kit, Creamy Silk Restraints
6} The Love Swing, fully adjustable sex harness with hundreds of uses.

7} Flipper: A beak-like snout jellied covered bullet
8} Jelly Tool Belt, The number 1 couples toy!
9}Humbelievable, dual action vibrator
10}Pettle pleaser, the best flower from him he can give.
11}Hide A Vibe Pillow, A must have when there could be kids or inlaws around the house.

12} The Executive, a babydoll outfit, that is cute to wear under any dress.
13} The French Maid outfit, Truley the only maid you need to be around the house
The Vanilla Restraints cracked me up.
I never get invited to parties like that!
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